Copyright Yalin Kaya
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Heinz Gravy
Gobblin' Mode
In the 2023 Holiday season, Heinz wanted to show how holiday leftovers can be as delicious as the main; driving purchase and social conversation.
- Leftovers after holidays feel boring and repetitive, losing their initial excitement and taste.
People ignore leftovers—until they know how to transform them effortlessly.
63% of people throw away ~8 pounds of Thanksgiving leftovers because they were no longer edible. Source: OnePoll,2021
3 million social media mentions of Thanksgiving leftovers in the last 13 months. Source: Talkwalker, 2023
We wanted to show that when people use HEINZ Gravy, the excitement doesn’t end with the feast, it lives on in every meal.
Then, our idea came. We wanted to show people that they can embrace the indulgent, slovenly and downright ugly delicious side of leftovers with Gobblin’ Mode.